Ford and Stalin. How to Live in Humaneness
(Alternative principles of globalization)
This work concerns the outlook on economy and social life belonging to two men who are usually thought to be very different. The first one is Henry Ford I, founder and head of «Ford Motors Company», one of the world’s largest automotive corporations. The other one is Joseph Stalin — a politician, sociologist and economist, whose world understanding and will were embodied in the foundation and prime of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the «superstate № 2» of the 20th century, the «super concern» state.
Despite what used to be taught at schools about the fight between capitalism and socialism those two people share a similar view on normal social life. The difference lies in Henry Ford’s focusing mainly on microeconomy and relations between people as employees of a single enterprise, avoiding the issues of macroeconomy and building state institutions, while Joseph Stalin concentrated on the issues of developing political economy as a science, on cultural transformation and arranging the macroeconomy by the scheme of a «super concern» state, leaving the microeconomic issues to society’s creative force.
Thus they in fact complement each other and therefore pave the way to uniting the people of Russia and America as well as the people of the world in a common culture based on morals and ethics of a conscientious laborer.
But contemporaries as well as descendants refused to understand both of them. And the world has paid for this reluctance to understand with World War II followed by the «cold war» between NATO and the USSR and with the deformed globalization that is currently taking place.
Though this work quotes both Ford and Stalin extensively where it is necessary, those are merely quotations. Their heritage should be studied not by quotations but by their works in order to form a complete and coherent understanding of who and in what way was wrong or right.
But if the heritage of Ford and Stalin is understood, expanded and realized then the historic perspective of all peoples will acquire a new, a better quality…
The Preface to the English Edition
Part I SOCIALLY USEFUL Management Principles Have Been Proclaimed Long Ago
- Globalization as a Means to Counter Globalization
- Henry Ford and Industrialization in the USSR
- Marxism Talking on «Fordizm»
- A Campaign for What: for Capitalism? Or for Socialism?
- Humanism in Deed and in Word
- What Guarantees the Ruin of Economy?
Digression 1: On System-Forming Delusions
Digression 2: The Axioms of Modern Economics - Fordizm — the First Advent of Bolshevism to America
Digression 3: Objective Rights and Subjective Laws
Digression 4: The Moral and Ethic Results of Bourgeois Reforms in Russia - The Ethics of Bolshevism: CONSCIENTIOUS Labor to the Welfare of Laborers
Digression 5: Directly Productive and Auxiliary Labor, Managerial Labor, Remuneration of Labor
Digression 6: Political Economy of the Industrial Civilization - Planned Economy of Bolsheviks is a Socialist Economy
Digression 7: The Post-Stalin USSR was an Anti-Socialist State
Part II Historical Experience of Bolshevism in 20th Century and its Prospects
- Results of «Fordizm» as the American Attempt of Bolshevism in 20th Century
- Essence and Results of Stalin’s Bolshevism
- Distinct Terminology is the Key to Understanding the Epoch
- On Hidden Motive of Revolutions of 1917
- New Line of the «World Backstage»: Socialism at an Individual Country
- Unpreparedness of Russia for Socialism and its Consequences
- «Social Realism» as a Means of Overcoming the Power of Marxism
- The «World Backstage» and Soviet Bolshevism in the Second World War of the 20th Century
- How to Protect the Future from the «World Backstage»
- Stalin’s Directions for the Future to Bolsheviks
- Refuse Marxism
- To Overcome the Atheism
- To solve the problems
- The Prospects of Bolshevism
- The Biblical Doctrine of Global Slavery
- The interview with Joseph E. Shtiglits