About CPS in brief
As a matter of fact, the modern civilization has caused a variety of issues on the planet (i.e. ecological, socio-political, economic, and etc.). Consequently, there has not been achieved the state of welfare for the majority of people. There are both subjective and objective factors to that related to the personal responsibility of leaders and the passivity of the public in general. Often, governments around the world set and pursue false goals instead of tackling crucial issues. Such state of matters is possible only in a society, where the majority of people are devoid of real knowledge of management (i.e. self-, people, business, socio-political, etc.).
Due to the prevailing ignorance in the society, many people tend to procrastinate, without making any real effort in improving their knowledge of particular matters related to the management and subjective control of both groups and individuals executed by the governments and/or various elite cliques. As a result, the problems, in many spheres of life, tend to multiply. For the majority of people, it brings about the steady degradation of their plight. On the contrary, for the so-called elite few, having more manipulative and managerial power, it means - the “darker” the minds of the majority, the higher their profits and power.
Millions of people may try finding excuses for not being able to influence the situation on the individual level and, thus, letting governments to resolve issues in a particular way. However, such an irresponsible approach does not make our lives better. Also, it means that the majority of people are agreeable with the current state of matters and that nothing can be done about it. Definitely, it is not the way forward.
Every society is managed in one way or the other. Therefore, the global historical process can be viewed as a global governance process. The global governance process encompasses a multitude of subservient processes of the regional administration (i.e. policies of the regional states, international and governmental powers including various elite cliques and mafias). At the same time, the global governance process itself is being subject to the environmental processes of the planetary and cosmic scale.
The Concept of Public Security is based upon the Sufficiently General Management Theory (i.e. comprising and describing sufficiently enough any general or self-management process). From the SGMT perspective, all means of managing the society may be prioritised in a hierarchical order from the most to the least effective/powerful. The means of influencing the society, the purposeful use of which could bring either detrimental or beneficial results, are as follows,
The worldview (paradigm) and methodology level information, - when understood uniformly and adopted, allows people (both on a personal and public scale) to acquire their own standard ways of realising the particular processes as being enveloped in the completeness and integrity of the Universe and determining in their perception the hierarchical ordering of them in mutual nesting. Such information serves as a basis for developing the culture of thinking and the wholeness of managerial activity that includes the intra-public sovereignty both on the regional scale and globally.
The historical and chronological level information, encompassing all branches of knowledge and culture, - allows one to see the direction of the flow of processes and correlate the particular branches of knowledge and culture in general. Having the worldview compatible with the universal laws (i.e. in accordance with and based upon the sense of harmony or proportion), when perceiving the "chaotic" flow of facts and occurrences, would enable one to discern particular processes with assistance of such worldview lens (i.e. the subjective human sense of harmony). In the present context, culture is understood as all information, in succession of generations, which is not transmitted genetically.
Factual-descriptive information, a description of the particular processes and their interrelations is the essence of the information of the third priority, which includes the creeds of religious cults, secular ideologies, technologies and facts of all branches of science.
Economic processes, as an influencing tool, are being subject to the informational means of influence through financial instruments (such as money), which are the utmost generic type of information of an economic order.
The means of genocide, such as nuclear blackmail (i.e. a threat of use of nuclear weapons); alcohol, tobacco and other drugs/poisoning genocide; food additives, all environmental contaminants, some medicines - real use; "genetic engineering" and "biotechnology" - a potential threat, that are affecting not only the current population, but also the subsequent generations of people and destroying the genetically determined potential for the adoption and development of the cultural heritage of their ancestors.
Although there are no distinctions between the instruments of influence (because many of them, by their capacities, could be related to different groups), their classification in hierarchical order, as presented above, allows nonetheless to identify the dominating factors of influence that may be used as instruments of control, and in particular, as instruments of suppression and elimination of phenomena in social life that are conceptually inadequate in the sense of control.
When used within one social system, this set is tantamount to generalized means of controlling this system. But when applied by one social system (or social group), to others which have different internal conceptions of control, it is tantamount to generalized weapons, i.e. means of warfare, in the most general sense of this word; or – instruments of support for self-control within another social system, when there is no conceptual incompatibility of control in both systems.
The order given above determines the priority order of these instruments in terms of their impact on society: changes in society’s state under the impact of instruments of higher priorities entail much more significant consequences than those incurred by the instruments of lower priorities, even though such changes proceed more slowly, without «noisy effects». In other words, within historically long intervals, their time-wise effectiveness (how fast the needed result is achieved) increases from the first point to the sixth, while the level of irreversibility of results produced by their application, which greatly influence how efficiently problems of the social life are solved in a “once and for all” sense, decreases from the first point to the sixth.
Executing full control over a society requires not only knowledge about the highest priorities of control means, but also action within them. Accordingly, it is impossible to avoid the influence of informational means of control. One can run away from war, not to use drugs (including alcohol and tobacco), theoretically one can isolate themselves economically by doing their own farming. Yet no one is able to replace the whole mankind with their own person, which is why one living in society will have to take it, and those who rule it, into consideration.
The position of CPS is that real and true democracy is possible only when everyone knows and understands HOW and WHAT FOR society is ruled. That is, everyone must master all means of ruling, and consciously support with their activity the goals standing before them as a member of society, and before society as a whole. But in order to achieve the unity of goals of the whole society, the achievement of a certain culture of world-understanding by every member of society is necessary.
Remembering the biology learned in school and looking deep inside one’s own psyche, one can discover that the informational and algorithmic provisioning of human behaviour includes:
Basic instincts and unconditioned reflexes (of intracellular and cellular levels, and also of levels of tissues, organs, organ systems and the whole organism), as well as their cultural veneers;
All these are actually or potentially present in every individual’s psyche. But there is something that makes humankind distinct from other species in the biosphere, though neither biology, nor psychology or sociology notice it, and one cannot read about it in any textbook. The matter of this reticence is:
Every specimen of Homo Sapiens may be a carrier of one of the following types of psychical structure, more or less stable during their adult life:
Moreover, people have themselves created the fifth type of psyche structure:
Becoming an addict of any drug, one obtains a stable distortion of their biofield, and consequently, by the parameters of their spirit, they don’t belong to the species Homo Sapiens anymore. Moreover, since most drugs are genetic poisons (i.e. they disrupt the operations of the chromosomal system, destroying chromosomal structures of those who consume these poisons), the inheritance of defective chromosomes by one’s descendants undermines their health and potential for individual development and creative activity. This is more so if conception takes place before the chromosomal structures are recovered by systems acting in the organism. However, if genetic poisons come into the organism too often and in such quantities that systems of chromosomal recovery are unable to repair the damages, the descendants are doomed to degeneracy. Those smoking or consuming “a little” alcohol, supposedly “whenever they want” (and not doing it when they don’t want), should not fool themselves – the intensity of a systematic effect of various psychotropics on the psyche, is such that talk of sobriety of one’s spirit is mistaken (considering intellectual activity at its peak, the consequences of a one-time consumption of a glass of champagne or half-liter of beer are compensated after 2-3 years). This fact allows calling this type of psyche structure – created by mankind itself and reproduced by contemporary culture – dropped into unnaturalness.
For a person having a humane psyche type, a non-formal, non-dogmatic and non-ritual belief to God3 during their life and activity under God’s Guidance by their own goodwill are normal.
The type of one’s psyche structure is determined by their upbringing and education. Thus, if one does not achieve a humane psyche structure by their youth, it is because of social culture’s viciousness and unrighteous upbringing by their parents. However, being an adult and understanding this fact, one is able to change their psychical structure from any of the aforementioned to a humane one. Doing this serves as a basis for a following individual development.
Depending on the statistics of distribution of people by type of psyche structure, society forms its social organization and develops its culture, either supporting the conservation of the state achieved and slave-owning system recurrence attempts, or supporting the recognition of the humane type of psyche structure as the norm and its reproduction during the change of generations as a basis for further individual and social development of nations and the whole mankind.
Without achievement of the humane type of psyche structure by the majority of people, it is impossible for people to get the power to solve the problems standing before the species Homo Sapiens at the beginning of the 21st century.
The harmony of society, its culture and the Earth’s biosphere needs a global level of responsibility and of CARE about the well-being (not only the material one) of all nations on Earth. English is today the most popular for international communication. So we take care so that you, English speakers, understand that what we want to say to you, but not what the masters of “false horses of enlightenment” (“Translators are false horses of enlightenment” as said the Great Russian poet Pushkin) want to give you as our opinion.
Russians don’t need such words as “concept” or “conception” – we have the word “жизнестрой” (“Life organization”), and English can also find some words its old roots to avoid the dead Latin. Our opponents must understand that their monopoly on knowledge is over. In a figurative sense: We pour our “spring water” into their “old wine-skins” for their “skins” to tear, as we don’t like neither their “skins”, nor their stupefying narcotic “wine”.